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Join the movement to revolutionise the legal industry
Rebel Law School
Mission & Vision
So you’re a great lawyer – you graduated top of your class; you can crush a client’s competitor with infringement actions in multiple jurisdictions; you can write an NDA or Sale and Purchase Agreement in your sleep.
But are you really the lawyer your clients need you to be?
Welcome to The Rebel Law School, where we help brilliant lawyers gain the skills that they don’t teach you in law school or in law firm – helping you lead a career of true impact, excellence, and profound client relationships.
Revolutionising the legal industry through our teaching, research, and partnerships, we bring in and train excellent, all-rounded, unconventional, fun-to-work-with lawyers with extreme professionalism, utmost integrity and immense passion in service.
So what is a Rebel Lawyer?
First off, we’re not asking you all brilliant lawyers to start breaking the laws.
But we ARE inviting you to re-think and re-design the way you serve your clients.

Bernie Hung Founder & Principal
We’re challenging you to resist and refuse allegiance to the established perceived stereotypes and convention that lawyers are old-fashioned, arrogant, aggressive, rigid, boring, slow, and charge exorbitant fees; that lawyers are rubber-stampers, deal-blocking cost centres, or ‘just’ service providers replaceable from one minute to the next. Because the reality is that clients need us to be way more than just being an excellent lawyer – that’s a given. What they need is for us to be unconventional lawyers who speak human language. Lawyers with superb business acumen, so that our advice is creative yet practical enough to be implemented in a complicated corporate reality. Lawyers who are able and unafraid to ask clients powerful questions, so that they are guided to discover what they didn’t know they needed. Lawyers who are brave enough to admit that we don’t know every single law in our own country, but that we are able to get the best experts on board to execute an outstanding project for them.
Our clients need lawyers who can become their closest business and personal allies, who empower them to discover new horizons for themselves and for their organisations. At the Rebel Law School, we’re challenging you to step into your true authenticity and authority, to rise in your maverick creativity as a leader, and to be an indispensable confidant to your clients. We’re challenging you to prioritise service over billable hours and elbowing up the corporate ladder.
We only recruit the highest achieving lawyers. We provide them with opportunities to make connections among their excellent legal knowledge, creative application of law in their practice, acute business acumen, transformational coaching skills, and their bold vision and purpose in life, so that they will thrive in their chosen fields and serve their clients to the best of their abilities.
Whichever way our students choose to serve, we inspire them to reflect deeply about their practice, and provide them with multidisciplinary tools so that they can take massive actions to contribute to their communities through their careers and throughout their lives. The Rebel Law school is currently developing a range of programmes for junior and senior lawyers who work in private practice or as in-house counsel.
To become a true Rebel Lawyer and join the movement to revolutionise the legal industry, we invite you to get in touch (link to to learn more about our programmes or how we may collaborate.
Rebel Law School
Join the movement to revolutionise the legal industry
Bernie Hung has over 20 years solid experience in the legal and corporate worlds, having worked in first-tier international law firms, as senior in-house counsel in the third largest luxury group in the world, and having run her own boutique law firm. A true Rebel Lawyer, she understands what companies’ senior management and in-house counsel need to drive business growth while striving to protect their interests and rights; she delivers creative, strategic and sustainable solutions in a cost-effective manner. Bernie has international experience in intellectual property and technology laws, brand protection, media and entertainment, data protection, related corporate, commercial and litigation matters, distribution such as retail, wholesale, e-commerce, franchising and licensing, with strong focus on China and Asia Pacific.
In the non-legal world, Bernie is a certified coach, a business consultant, a published author, a student mentor at her alma maters King’s College London, and runs a small, quirky coffee shop in London.
Bernie is the Rebel Lawyer and innovative founder behind BlueBox Rocket (link to – a revolutionary Vision-to-Launch service that helps pioneering entrepreneurs and CEOs grow their seed of an idea into reality, or scale up their flourishing business for massive expansion.
Bernie delivers a unique blend of no-fuss legal expertise, interdisciplinary business mentorship, and transformational coaching in an inspirational, creative and fun way. Bernie believes that modern lawyers are in the People Building business.
Her philosophy is that the greatest rebel lawyers must first possess the abundance mindset, be passionate and visionary in what they do, and have powerful abilities and skills such as self-reflection, enhanced intuition, listening, empathy, negotiation, communication, conflict resolution and crisis competence, in order to properly serve our clients.

Bernie Hung, Founder & Principal

“I have known Bernie for over ten years since we worked together at a leading global luxury fashion house. My current company has engaged Bernie for legal consultation since 2017. Our business covers retail and wholesale in Asia Pacific which is a diverse and complicated region for us with eight different jurisdictions. With her solid experience in luxury business, Bernie provides not only professional legal advice but she is working like our in-house legal counsel supporting our business with genuine interest and sincerity. She was instrumental in setting up the online business legal policies when I was developing our eCommerce business for the region. Bernie is our trusted business partner who offers wisdom and structured approach to complicated situations. She is also a great friend with amazing energy and passion for what she loves doing. I do not know anyone else (at a personal level) who could achieve so many things in such a short time – as far as I know, she is an excellent lawyer, a multinational business owner, a professional coach, an author, a trained barista, and a mother of two! Bernie is truly inspirational and a wake-up call to the purpose of life and what one can achieve with an abundance mindset as well as strategies and methods that work.”
— Cecilia Chan, Managing Director, MCM Worldwide

“I met Bernie on my first business trip to Hong Kong when I had just taken over as Worldwide Corporate Security Director of a well-known luxury multinational corporation and Bernie was already acting as Senior Counsel and right-hand woman to the Asia Pacific General Counsel. I approached her to understand the operational and environmental complexities of my role in that part of the world. My first impression of Bernie was that she was technically very knowledgeable and had a dynamic and fluid view of business activities. She was able to provide an authentic interpretation (which I needed at that time) of how to read some of the facts and the unwritten with an eye that was not my own, and she did so very naturally and politely despite it being the first time we spoke.
Over the years I got to know her better and also appreciated her joie de vivre and humour very well mixed with a thoughtfulness and depth that on many other people would have been out of tune. Bernie is like that, a big heart, a quick, sharp and thirsty mind that she knows how to use to the best of her ability by adapting it to every situation. Another aspect that I immediately appreciated about Bernie is her self-awareness; you understand that she is aware of her qualities and talents but she never abuses this awareness; all she has to do is make her interlocutor understand that she is present to herself, always, even under stress. It’s amazing how she manages to guide and control her powerful vital energy without fumbling; she knows how to dose and channel it when and where it’s needed. Over time our relationship has been strengthened through mutual respect and esteem; yes, because Bernie is not seduced by the role and power attached to the role of whoever is in front of her, but only by the heart and mind with which she is interacting. In other words, she manages to be herself in every situation without having to betray her values or renounce, even for a moment, her grace and her sunny kindness.
It is this skilful mixture, this balance that is impossible for many and unstable for others, that makes Bernie a truly special person; not only she is aware of her moral and emotional heritage but she knows how to exploit it and use it without waste and without excess.”
— Massimiliano “Max” Carpino Former Worldwide Corporate Security & Crisis Director of GUCCI Former Global General Counsel of GUCCI

“I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Bernie for a number of years, both personally and professionally. What continues to impress me is how she dedicates 200% into everything she sets her heart and mind to. She has the keen ability to harness all her experiences in life and impart that wisdom to others. She turns challenges into opportunities and excites others into chasing their dreams and reaching their goals. It’s absolutely amazing all that she has accomplished since I met her, and it’s no surprise she wants to help others find the confidence to do the same.”
– Spencer Yu, Senior Director of Sales (North America, APAC, Oceania), BrandShield, USA
Contact Me
If you are an excellent maverick lawyer in your practice area, and are interested to find out how we can launch rockets together, please get in touch via
If you are CEOs and Entrepreneurs who believe you and your business are worth the investment of a Birkin or a Maserati in the legal world, please get in touch via